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Honigbiene, Bienenschwarm, Schwarm, Volk schwärmt aus, Bienenvolk, Honig-Biene, Europäische Honigbiene, Westliche Honigbiene, Biene, Bienen, Apis mellifera, Apis mellifica, honey bee, hive bee, western honey bee, European honey bee, bee, bees, swarm of bees, swarm, L'abeille européenne, l'avette, la mouche à miel


Honigbiene, Bienenschwarm, Schwarm, Volk schwärmt aus, Bienenvolk, Honig-Biene, Europäische Honigbiene, Westliche Honigbiene, Biene, Bienen, Apis mellifera, Apis mellifica, honey bee, hive bee, western honey bee, European honey bee, bee, bees, swarm of bees, swarm, L'abeille européenne, l'avette, la mouche à miel

Filename: Honigbienen-Schwarm_FH2105180001.jpg
Size: 6720x4480 / 27.1MB
Date 18 May 2021
Copyright: Frank Hecker Naturfotografie
Author: Frank Hecker
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